



敏林堪千仁波切捎來的叮嚀 :當下比過去和未來重要

2017-07-26 11:07:52作者:義工群 藏密網

导语:敏林堪千仁波切捎來的叮嚀 :當下比過去和未來重要

敏林堪千仁波切捎來的叮嚀 :

The present moment is more important than both the past and the future.





The present moment is more important than both the past and the future.

Before anyone begins a practice, they should always check their own motivation.
If their motivation is selfless, then that's great; but if their motivation is selfish, then their thinking should be properly adjusted while asking themselves, "Why are my thoughts only of myself?" Having all of these past births with selfish thinking, is the cause of continuously being born in samsara. Even though in many cases the true meaning of samsara is known, how is it that anyone can still just think of themselves? This is an indication that they should check their own mind.

Now is the time, while capable of thinking and meditating, to use this potential ability to change motivation. Why waste it?

It is necessary to think properly in our daily lives. However, many people, most of the time, think of the past (what we've already done or not done, what others did to us or did not do to us, regretful actions or guilt) and if not the past, then we think of the future (what one will do, the hopes, fears, insecurities, plans, etc). While thinking about all of this, we are wasting the present time which is very precious. It is said that if we want to see wishes fulfilled, then it is the present moment that is most important. This present moment is what's under our control. We can make this moment either a memorable one or a regretful one and we can secure the foundation of our future at this very moment. The past we cannot change; and no one has seen or knows the future. Perhaps one might not live too much longer; and there's no guarantee for what is going to happen in the future so why waste time thinking or talking about it? The future depends on what is being done now and the choices being made...now.

When doing anything and while thinking of the present moment, always check your mind. If you find that your mind is free of all negativity, then you must rejoice, pray that it continues, and then dedicate its merit to all sentient beings. Any dedication prayer that one has can be used. Whether many or just a single mantra is done, one must always dedicate the merit gained. Dedication is very important and its merit is immeasurable.

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