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Yangthang Rinpoche 開示語錄(中英雙語)

發表於 2015-1-13 19:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

Yangthang Rinpoche 開示語錄(中英雙語)

On the basis of abandoning killing, if you can receive both of these two vows~no lying and no stealing~then you would be a lay Buddhist with three vows. On the top of this, if you are able to refrain from alcohol, when you are receiving refuge vow, you can think, “I am receiving four vows (no killing, no lying, no stealing, and no alcohol)”. But if you are unable to refrain from alcohol, it is fine if you don’t receive the vow of ‘no drinking alcohol’. It is not like you must receive this vow. But to receive the first three vows is recommended. Don’t you think receiving just one vow is too little?
~Yangthang Rinpoche


Yangthang Rinpoche's Followers

 樓主| 發表於 2015-1-13 19:36 | 顯示全部樓層
There are many different types of lay practitioner’s refuge vows: the lay practitioner with one vow, two vows, three vows, complete vows, and so on. Therefore, when you are receiving refuge vow, you should know which kind of lay practitioner’s refuge vow you want to receive. For example, if you want to be a lay practitioner with one vow, the vow would be abandoning killing. It is impossible to be a lay Buddhist without taking the vow of abandoning killing.
~Yangthang Rinpoche


Yangthang Rinpoche's Followers

 樓主| 發表於 2015-1-13 19:36 | 顯示全部樓層

Refuge vow is the root of all dharma. One can not practice any dharma without having refuge vow first. Without refuge vow, one is not allowed to receive the vows of individual liberation, such as vows of fully-ordained monks (Gelong) or novice monks (Getsul). Without having refuge vow, one is not allowed to enter the tantric path. Without refuge vow, one cannot receive the transmission of Great Perfection either. Before we proceed to practice any dharma, we need to receive refuge vow first.
~Yangthang Rinpoche


Yangthang Rinpoche's Followers

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