小菩提 發表於 2016-1-19 16:53

蓮師親授空行母伊喜‧措嘉之教言: 十種膚淺

蓮師親授空行母伊喜‧措嘉之教言: 十種膚淺

蓮師說:" 有很多人讓佛法修行流於膚淺。"


上師說:" 只誦經卻沒有信心,是膚淺的。









給別人建書,自己卻不那麼做,是膚淺的。總之,我已厭倦去聽那些"博學" 之人說法,他們的修行只是增添更多的煩惱,而不是調伏自心;任何他們所說的只是表面之詞罷了。"

~~ 《空行法教--蓮師親授空行母伊喜‧措嘉之教言合集》. ( 十種膚淺 ) 怙主珠古.烏金仁波切/口授,伊喜.措嘉佛母/輯錄付藏,娘讓尼瑪沃瑟、桑傑林巴/取藏

Master Padma said: There are many people who let their Dharma practice become superficial.
The lady asked: How is that?
The master said: " It is superficial to chant the scriptures without having faith.
It is superficial to be altruistic without feeling compassion.
It is superficial to act generously without being free from stinginess.
It is superficial to be a tantrika who does not keep the samayas.
It is superficial to be a monk who does not keep the vows.
It is superficial to be noble without meditating.
It is superficial to have knowledge without practicing the Dharma.
It is superficial to engage oneself in a Dharma that does not possess the essence of practice.
It is superficial to teach others when one does not act in accordance with the Dharma oneself.
It is superficial to give advice that one does not follow oneself.
In any case, my ears are tired of listening to "learned" people whose Dharma practice does not tame their own minds but who simply let it add disturbing emotions; whatever they say is nothing but superficial talk. "

Dakini Teachings ~ Padmasambhava's Oral Instructions to Lady Tsogyal ( TEN TYPES OF SUPERFICIALITY ) Discourse by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche / Recorded and concealed by Yeshe Tsogyal / Revealed by Nyang Ral Nyima Oser and Sangye Lingpa
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