護法 發表於 2020-11-7 20:13

百字明 - 藏傳佛教密法中,金剛薩埵承繼了為金剛持尊者的五方佛,為第六金剛持尊者。金剛薩埵乃是心靈純淨的表徵,為淨化業障的本尊...

百字明 影片長1小時1分10秒(藏傳佛教密法中,金剛薩埵承繼了為金剛持尊者的五方佛,為第六金剛持尊者。金剛薩埵乃是心靈純淨的表徵,為淨化業障的本尊。在藏傳佛教的四大傳承(寧瑪、噶舉、格魯、薩迦)皆修習金剛薩埵法門,為修習本尊法之前的四加行之一。此法門可淨除業障,修補毀壞的三昧耶戒等戒律與誓言;此外也能彌補修法中的缺失,以空性以臻圓滿功德。)

嗡 班杂萨埵 萨玛雅 玛努 巴拉雅 班杂萨埵 喋诺巴 谛策 则卓 美 巴哇 苏埵卡唷 美 巴哇 苏波卡唷 美 巴哇 阿努拉多 美 巴哇萨哇 悉地 美 札雅刹 萨哇 嘎玛速 札 美 积当 希样 咕噜 吽 哈哈 哈哈 霍 巴嘎问 萨哇 达他嘎达 班杂 玛 美 目杂 班支 巴哇 玛哈 萨玛雅萨埵 阿

Vajrasattva Mantra- Cleansing Karma- Relaxing Music | Tinna Tinh
OMSyllable of the most supreme exclamation of praise.
BENZAR SATO SA MA YAVajrasattva’s Samaya
MA NU PA LA YA BENZAR SATOO Vajrasattva, protect the samaya.
TE NO PA TISHTHA DRI DHO ME BHA WAMay you remain firm in me.
SU TO KA YO ME BHA WAGrant me complete satisfaction.
SU PO KA YO ME BHA WAGrow within me (increase the positive within me).
ANU RAKTO ME BHA WABe loving towards me.
SARVA SIDDHI ME PRA YATSAGrant me all the accomplishments,
SARVA KARMA SU TSA MEAs well as all the activities.
TSITTAM SHRE YAM KU RUMake my mind virtuous.
HUNGSyllable of the heart essence, the seed syllable of Vajrasattva.
HA HA HA HASyllables of the four immeasurables, the four empowerments, the four joys, and the four kāyas.
HOSyllable of joyous laughter in them.
BHA GA WAN SARVA TA THA GA TABhagawan, who embodies all the Vajra Tathāgatas,
BENZRA MA ME MUNTSADo not abandon me.
BENZRI BHA WAGrant me realization of the vajra nature.
MA HA SA MA YA SATOO great Samayasattva,
AHMake me one with you.Syllable of uniting in non-duality.
Artist Tinna Tinh Composer Nguyen Hoang AnhCopyright © Tinna Tinh All Rights Reserved
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查看完整版本: 百字明 - 藏傳佛教密法中,金剛薩埵承繼了為金剛持尊者的五方佛,為第六金剛持尊者。金剛薩埵乃是心靈純淨的表徵,為淨化業障的本尊...