小菩提 發表於 2012-1-28 13:42

康巴藏語歌手 Kunga: 讚頌上師三寶的歌

康巴藏語歌手 Kunga: 讚頌上師三寶的歌

Tibetan Song Yi Re Kyo - Kunga ( The best song of the year)


Sun sets behind the southern mountains,
The white moon gets consumed by the clouds,
And the stars have fallen amid rain and clouds.
Heart saddens; unable to meet you three,
Heart saddens, unable to meet you three,

Oh, the sun, the moon and the stars,
The stars have fallen amid rain and clouds.
Heart saddens, unable to meet you three,
Heart saddens, unable to meet you three,

At the center of the planet earth -- Kham, eastern Tibet,
Echoes, the reverent lama's teaching,
Now, I am left alone and unable to hear such teachings,
Heart saddens; I am unable to see my lama,
Heart saddens; I am unable to see my lama,
Oh, my Lama,
Now, I am left alone and unable to hear your teachings,
Heart saddens; I am unable to see my lama,
Heart saddens; I am unable to see my lama,

My dear father and mother,
Ashen hair, close to departure,
Now, your kindness yet to be repaid,
My youthful heart saddens,
My youthful heart saddens,

Oh, father and mother,
Now, your kindness yet to be repaid,
My youthful heart saddens,
My youthful heart saddens,
... (Weitere Informationen)
(weniger Infos)

Tibetan Song Yi Re Kyo - Kunga ( The best song of the year)
jigdo 於 2006-12-25 上傳


小菩提 發表於 2012-1-28 13:44

Tibetan Song - Lama Chenno - Kunga    喇嘛千諾


小菩提 發表於 2012-1-28 13:47

心思纏繞的地方 (丹真絨布仁波切作詞作曲, 根呷Kunga演唱)
OgyenTso 於 2010-07-19 上傳


"It is where your mind dwells" - This is a song composed by the Venerable Tenzin Zangpo Rinpoche and sung by a professional Tibetan singer Kunga. This song is a praise of Dzogchen - the Great Perfection.

丹真絨布仁波切為印度八十四大成就者之一的薩RA哈尊者(又名薩繞哈、沙拉哈巴、薩羅哈)的第十四世轉世,為寺中唯一的活佛,由白玉寺貝諾法王、亞青寺昌根阿瑞仁波切、遼­西寺松吉澤仁仁波切等高僧大德認證。 色登桑珠曲林協珠達吉林寺,簡稱色登寺,乃寧瑪巴道場,位於雪域西藏昌都地區芒康縣宗西鄉,由第四世活佛松才讓建成。現任主持為色登寺第十四世活佛丹真絨布仁波切,寺中現­有喇嘛300多人、覺姆100多人。寺內供有自生釋迦佛像(與拉薩大昭寺、塔公寺的覺沃佛像加持力無二無別) 、自生金剛手菩薩像、自生十六阿羅漢像、自生八十四大成就者像,蓮師的金剛杵、門達熱哇佛母的托巴、龍薩娘波所取的伏藏金剛持像、德達林巴所取的德春拉母護法像等諸多聖物­。

色登寺內的文武百尊大幻化網壇城於吉祥的 2009年8月5日由尊貴的噶陀蔣楊法王和丹增絨布仁波切的主持下圓滿開光典禮!
色登寺明燈論壇: http://sedeng.com/bbs/index.php

Tenzin Zangpo Rinpoche is the 14th tulku of one of the 84 Mahasiddhas - Saraha. His monastary is Sedeng Temple, with over 300 lamas. It locates in Markam County, Chamdo prefecture, Tibet. A most precious and venerable Guhyasamaja was also built and officially opened on the auspicious date of August 5, 2009.


小菩提 發表於 2012-1-28 13:50

Tibetan Song - Karmapa - Kunga   讚頌噶瑪巴



小菩提 發表於 2012-1-28 18:35

朝聖之路: 在藏區的路上真的有很多三步一拜,苦行朝往拉薩的藏族同胞,很感動,天祐西藏 !

New Tibetan Song 2011~ Kunga ~ The Road of Pilgrimage朝聖之路

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