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無常悲歌: 谷村新司 - 風姿花傳(中英文譯)

發表於 2012-7-14 19:15 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 小菩提 於 2014-5-16 10:37 編輯


無常悲歌: 谷村新司 - 風姿花傳(中英文譯)

musicboxforever 於 2011-10-23 上傳

悲切之風正吹泣著 訴不盡的人間悲哀
廣闊無盡的星空 靜靜的將它換擁於懷中
敞開你我的胸懷 燃燒那沸騰的熱血
肝膽相照同心同德 彙集成巨大的洪流
那蒼茫的人生如夢一般 所以變幻無常
那未盡的人生總有夢想 所以栩栩如生
啊~ 啊~ 誰也不知曉
啊~ 啊~ 明天的落花有誰知曉

鐵蹄中約定的山盟海誓 立於璀璨的繁花下
杯中酒醉方休 明月下兄弟對杯情長意濃
杯中酒醉方休 明月下兄弟對杯情長意濃
白雪仍然飄落在肩上 如昔日立誓時的桃花
感嘆持守忠信一生 最終卻徒勞無功
人有忠信 才有意義 人有忠信 才能立足
啊~ 啊~ 誰也不知曉
啊~ 啊~ 明天的落花有誰知曉

國破山何在 城滅人盡亡
荒草枯萎了 風依舊悲壯的吹泣著
啊~ 啊~ 有誰能知曉
啊~ 啊~那榮繞在風中的英姿
啊~ 啊~ 唯有那落花傳送著舊歌謠
啊~ 啊~那榮繞在風中的英姿

Shinji Tanimura - The Story of Three Kingdoms

The sorrowful wind is blowing
Telling the endless word of sadness
Under the vast starry nights
Quietly gathering them in my arms
Open up our true hearts
Burn those boiling blood of ours
Heart to heart, mind to mind
Bring our effort with this huge wave of current together
The indistinct life is just like a dream, constantly changing
The remaining of our life still has hopes
So active and unbreakable
Ah~ Ah~ Nobody will ever know
Ah~ Ah~ Who knows the falling flower tomorrow

We vow the agreement surrounded by our horses and those glorious flowers
All brothers drink those wine until it runs out
Under the full moon, our emotions are high
And you have never left, staying here to protect everyone
The falling snow lands on the my shoulders
Remember the vow we made during the peach blossoms season
We fought the rest of our lives
At the end, we didn't fulfill the mission
However, life is meaningful when we own our faith on each other
Ah~ Ah~ Nobody will ever know
Ah~ Ah~ Who knows the falling flower tomorrow

The landscape disappeared when country was invaded
The people were killed when the castle was occupied
Weeds have crumbled, but the wind continue to pass through strongly
Ah~ Ah~ Does anyone know
Ah~ Ah~ The heroic shadow passing through the wind
Ah~ Ah~ Only the old folk songs are still coming through the falling flowers
Ah~ Ah~ The heroic shadow passing through the wind

無常悲歌: 谷村新司 - 風姿花傳(中英文譯)

 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-14 19:16 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 小菩提 於 2014-5-16 10:38 編輯



雖說『滾滾長江東逝水,浪花掏盡英雄。是非成敗轉頭空,青山依舊 在,幾度夕陽紅。。。;四大皆空;。。。照見五蘊皆空。。。』。 人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青!

生活的究竟無非是「是非成敗轉頭空」。但若沒有一番是非成敗的努 力與堅持,又怎能轉頭空呢?生命既是一段緣,就得惜緣,就該活得 有朝氣、有活力才行。人生就是要如此振作,如此積極去實現,那才 叫大乘,才是修行。否則就變成斷滅(看破,非看透 / 清?!)和無記,生命將是一場空虛。


這歌是三國志卡通的主題曲。深深的觸動著我。。。不免是有些哀嘆 、悲壯之感。。。

聽著、看著。。就讓我想起了從前抄下的一段話,又囉哩八嗦一大堆 ,真是太有感覺了!!
感傷之餘,要趕快再去聽聽大俠的演唱:【施孝榮 – 赤壁賦】,就會“得救”哦,哈哈!



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