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發表於 2021-1-7 21:07 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
134976435_3423551497757297_5220234508728170162_n.jpg 這麼多年來,我喜歡……⠀(傳喜法師)

在個人的興趣愛好方面,我在人生的各個階段好像都有不同的重心。 讀書之前喜歡畫畫,讀書之後愛寫毛筆字,寫毛筆字之後又刻起圖章,刻圖章之後又喜歡上音樂,喜歡音樂的同時還踢過足球。⠀
In terms of personal interests & hobbies, mine seems to revolve around different things during various stages of my life. Prior to studying, I liked to draw. Post-studying, I liked calligraphy. After calligraphy came stamp carving, subsequently, after stamp carving  , I developed a liking for music & soccer concurrently. ⠀

I started to ponder over the meaning of life as I gradually grew up, especially after I practiced Buddhism, I like tranquility, like to reside in mountains, like the winter snow, and the plums that grow along the corners of the walls. I like  the streams during spring time, the lotuses that grow in the ponds. ⠀


And now, well, while I still like what I used to like in the past, the substances beneath such “likings” have perhaps, changed. ⠀

對於音樂,尤其是純音樂,我一直是心懷崇敬的。 通過音符的流動表達情感、打動人心,除了體現作曲者的藝術造詣外,其實也是他人生體驗和精神品格的亮相。⠀

As for music, I have always held it in high regards, especially so for instrumental music. Emotions are expressed through the flow of musical notes, touching the hearts of many people. Other than the artistry of the composer, it also shows his lifetime experiences  , as well as inner disposition. ⠀

在國樂里,鐘磬之聲是讓我覺得境界最高、最受震撼的。 興起於商周時期的青銅編鐘,一敲起來,清雄明亮,古樸悠遠,恍如天堂打開,佛國現前。 這是真正的大雅之樂。⠀

Among all the traditional music, the sound of the dharma bell (Buddhist dharma & musical instrument) moves me most and in my opinion, produces the sound from the highest realm. The green bronze chime bells which originated during the Shang-Zhou period produces a  crisp & primitive sound when one strikes, as if the heavenly gates open and the Land of Buddha appears right away. This is truly the music of great elegance & solemnness.⠀

西洋樂里有幾個樂器對修行也比較有助益,比如豎琴和薩克斯。 薩克斯被譽為“天堂的樂器”,它的高音部分很多,吹奏的時候就像我們念“唵 阿惹巴扎那 德”一樣,是往頭頂沖的,對開智慧很好。⠀

There are a few western musical instruments which aid one's practice & cultivation, for instance, the harp & saxophone. The saxophone is termed as the “heavenly musical instrument”. It has many high notes and sounds like us reciting “Om A Ra Ba Za  Na De” when played. The sound shoots right up to the top of the head and is beneficial to the development of wisdom. ⠀

音樂響起,歌聲流出,這種濃烈而真摯的情感最適合供養給誰? 供養給佛菩薩啊! 世間的情感總是容易變質,只有佛菩薩的愛才是純淨的、動人的、永恆的!⠀

The intense & earnest emotions which stem from the singing that flows to the rhythm – who is the most appropriate party to receive the offering of such emotions? Such offering can be made to Buddha & Bodhisattvas! Worldly emotions change easily, only the love of Buddha  & Bodhisattvas remains pure, touching & eternal.⠀

所以,在所有真切感人的音樂里,最美的就是宗教音樂。 佛曲、佛樂,尤其是佛教的梵唄,吐納抑揚間,不僅高暢遒亮,本身還帶著撼動人心的加持力。 歌聲裡的出離心,歌聲裡的菩提心,會使聽到的人心靈被淨化,身心得莊嚴。 這是其它的音聲很難達到的效果。⠀

Thus, amidst of all the truly touching music, religious music remains as the most beautiful music. Buddhist tunes, Buddhist music & especially the singing of Buddhist songs, set emotions overflowing, not only are they superb & bright, they also bring about blessings that  rouse the hearts of people. The mind of renunciation which lies within the voice, the Bodhicitta which lies within the voice – they purify the minds of those who hear it, filling the body & mind with solemnity. It is very difficult for other tunes to  bring about such effects. ⠀

對於這樣動人心魄的、滌蕩心靈的音樂,我是一直很讚歎很羨慕的。 可能因為這種讚美一直存留心間,所以有時候就很奇特,你尊敬什麼你就會得到什麼。⠀

I have always marveled at and am also very envious of such touching & soul-cleansing music. Thus, such praises have always been held in my heart and perhaps, this is why, miraculously, you will get what you have always held in high regards  . ⠀

2008年汶川大地震時,我受邀主持一個賑災的晚會。 當時覺得這樣的晚會最好有一個主題曲,但找來找去沒有十分契合的。 後來偶爾在網上看到一個鏡頭:一個小女孩被埋在碎石瓦礫之中,早已沒有生命跡象,手裡卻還緊緊地握著一支筆!⠀

During the year of the Wenchuan great earthquake in 2008, I was invited to host a disaster relief dinner. At that point of time, while I felt that it was best to have a theme song for such an event, there wasn't any appropriate  song to be found. Subsequently, I chanced upon this scene on the internet: a little girl buried beneath the scattered stone rubble, signs of life were long gone and yet, her hand still grabbed on tightly to a pen! ⠀

這個畫面瞬間震撼了我,我馬上鋪開紙,一邊寫一邊哼,歌詞和曲調就像泉水一樣自然湧出。 我用手機錄好,再交給弟子去記譜、配樂、演唱。 我是連簡譜都看不懂的,但這一首《送你入蓮光》,從詞到曲,花了不到一個小時的時間。⠀

This bolt from the blue scene created an impact on me. I immediately laid out the papers, writing & humming concurrently as lyrics & tunes gushed out naturally, just like the waterfalls. After I was done with the recording on my mobile, I handed it  over to my disciples for notation, dubbing & singing. Despite the fact that I am someone who does not even understand musical notations, this song <<Sending you into the light of the Buddha>> was composed in less than an hour, inclusive of  the time taken to pen the lyrics and compose the tunes. ⠀

後來為了紀念我師父悟公上人圓寂五週年,我想應該為師父寫一首歌,也以此感恩一切祖師大德。 醞釀了一段時間後,忽然有一天靈感來了,我就寫下了這一首《法乳甘霖》。 一個連簡譜都不會的音樂的門外漢還會作詞作曲,我想這都是來自佛菩薩和祖師大德的加被。⠀

Subsequently, I wanted to compose a song for my late master, Ven. Grand Master Wu-gong, in memory of his fifth Pari-nirvana Anniversary as well as an expression of my gratitude to all grand masters & patriarchs. After preparing over a period  of time, I was inspired one day & composed this song <Fa Ru Gan Lin> (bestowing the essence of Dharma, like the long-awaited downpour after a drought). For an outsider like me, who cannot even understand the musical notations,  the ability to pen lyrics and compose tunes must have been the blessings bestowed by Buddha, Bodhisattvas, grand masters & patriarchs.   ⠀


I would say that if I really did go through the process of being influenced &touched by music, then it is all the more likely that my liking for peacefulness originates from my innate nature.  ⠀

我喜歡走安靜的山路,沒有人煙,沒有汽車,沒有灰塵。 山道蜿蜒,山林青翠,空氣清鮮,一個人一個包袱,走在其中也陶醉其中。⠀

I like to take strolls by the mountain roads where not a single person, vehicle or dust is in sight, winding mountain paths where hills and forests look as green as the emerald, with air that smells so crisp. Here I am, walking alone with  a bundle wrapped in cloth, immersing myself in the joy that comes from such walks.⠀

但一個人走在路上,風景到底還是其次的,那時內心最迫切的就是尋訪明師,修心問道。 在那些翻山越嶺的日子裡,走到有賣食物的地方,我就吃得飽飽的,因為不知道下一頓要到什麼時候。 天快黑時我就開始留意,哪裡有涼亭,哪個岩石下可以住人。 一開始也會有很多想法,會不會有狼、會不會有蛇,時間長了也就無所謂了。 找一個山洞來住,那時候這樣的想法總會浮上心頭。⠀
However, the scenery is secondary when one strolls down the road alone. The most pressing issue at that point of time was to find a wise & able Master for purpose of cultivating the mind and seeking the Way. During those days of climbing over mountains and  passing through ravines, whenever I came across places that were selling food, I would stuff myself with food as I totally had no idea of​​ when my next meal was going to be. As the night approached, I would start to keep a lookout for gazebos  and rocks that provided shelter over one's head. There were a lot of thoughts initially like whether there would be wolves or snakes. All these concerns faded as time passed. Back then, the thought of finding and residing in a cave kept coming back to my  mind. ⠀

喜歡清淨,喜歡住山,喜歡安靜地修習佛法,這種情懷到現在依然濃烈。 一打坐,學法、看經、觀想、思維,很安定。 佛法帶給我的喜悅沒有其它任何事情可以替代。⠀
The liking for tranquility, residing in mountains, cultivating & practicing Dharma peacefully – these feelings are still going strong even up till now.⠀
I feel calm whenever I mediate, learn the Dharma, read Sutras, visualize or cogitate. The joy brought to me by the Dharma of Buddha is irreplaceable.⠀

安住在法裡,時間總會過得很快。 一天,一個月,不注意,一年又過去了。 所以唐人有詩,“山僧不解數甲子,一葉落知天下秋”。⠀
Time flies whenever I set my mind upon the Dharma. A day, a month, & unknowingly, a year would have passed. Thus, people from the Tang Dynasty have this poem: “Monks residing in mountains do not keep track of time. They  only realise that fall have arrived when the summer leaf drops.”⠀

這個熙熙攘攘的世間,它的本質就是苦。 你也許覺得過得挺快樂,但這種樂是假的,是老虎身上的斑紋,叫偽裝相;是釣魚人撒下的一把米,哪天你鉤了,就知道貪一時之樂會有 多大的禍患!⠀
The fundamental of this bustling world is suffering. While you may feel that you are generally living a happy life, this happiness is a deception. It is like the stripes found on a tiger - termed as pretence; the rice sprinkled by fishermen which you once  fell for the bait - you will come to realise that great trouble follows, all brought about by that moment of greed for happiness. ⠀

Setting one’s mind upon the calm & peaceful melody of Dharma brings about crystal clear clarity & alertness to one’s state of mind, just like the crystals. ⠀

對水晶我一直有很深的情結,我的第一串念珠就是水晶念佛珠。 出家後我也喜歡送水晶的手串給有緣人。⠀
I always have affection for crystals. My first string of mala beads were crystal beads. After I became a monk, I also like to gift crystal beads to those with affinity. ⠀

為什麼這麼喜歡? 因為水晶透徹,清涼。 即使有雜質也一目了然,即使大熱天也觸手生涼。 所以對於修行人,水晶是能起到啟發的作用的——愛水晶,就要修出水晶一樣的品質。      ⠀
Why? Because the crystal is clear & cool. While there may be impurity, this speck of impurity is visible at first sight. While the weather may be warm, it remains cool to the touch. Practitioners who love crystals should be inspired to cultivate the  same quality as that of the crystals. ⠀
淨澈的,堅固的,永恆的,就像佛塔。 我喜歡塔,喜歡佛塔。⠀

Immaculate, firm and everlasting – just like the stupas. I like pagodas, I like stupas. ⠀

還是孩童時期,只要聽到哪裡有塔我就心裡發熱。 上海郊外的龍華寺有一座佛塔,第一次看到時我就呆呆地望著,再也移不動步。 後來好幾次我都一個人拿著地圖輾轉好幾站公交車,就為了站在馬路上痴痴地看這一座塔。 那時候還是孩子,不知道什麼是佛教,也不知道要拜,就是看著,一看幾個小時。⠀

Even during those days when I was a child, my heart warmed whenever I came to hear of stupas located at a particular place. There is a stupa located at Longhua Monastery, outskirts of Shanghai, and I was staring blankly at it when I saw it  for the first time, not moving an inch. Subsequently, I ventured out alone with a map, hopping on various public buses, just for being able to admire the stupa while standing on the road. I was still a child at that point of time  , I did not know Buddhism, and did not know how to pay homage. All I did was to stand there for various hours each time. ⠀

 樓主| 發表於 2021-1-7 21:08 | 顯示全部樓層
出家之後,接觸佛塔的機會更多了,對佛塔的了解也更深入了。 各式各樣的佛塔中,婆羅浮屠塔顯得比較特別。 婆羅浮屠塔是印尼的大成就者所造,這種塔有一種不共的加持——它是有洞的,一個一個方洞,佛就坐在裡面。⠀

After I became a monk, there have been more opportunities to come into contact with stupas and thus I have deepened my understanding of stupas. The Borobudur Stupa is deemed more unique among the various types of stupas. The Borobudur Stupa was built by a mahasiddha from  Indonesia. Such stupa brings about a unique blessing – it has holes and the Buddha sits right inside each & every one of these square holes.  ⠀

我們每個人都可以觀想自己就是一座婆羅浮屠塔,玲瓏剔透,裡面有一尊佛,如如不動。 即使我們掉到地獄裡,這尊佛也沒有動過,叫在生不減,在佛不增。⠀

Each of us can visualize ourselves as an exquisite Borobudur Stupa with the statue of a Buddha inside that is ever unchanging. Even if we were to fall into Hell, this Buddha statue would remain unchanged, and can be termed as not diminishing when one is a  living being, not increasing when one is a Buddha.⠀


Unchanging, just like the water in the alms bowl or the tea in the bowl.⠀

對茶我有一些心得,但並不執著於喝。 以前閉關的時候,就很喜歡捧著一個茶壺,裝滿水,也不喝,就是捧著,心定定地,感覺很幸福。⠀

I do have some knowledge when it comes to tea, but it does not necessarily mean that I have to drink it. When I went into retreat back in those days, I liked to carry a teapot that was full of water. But I didn'  t drink it, just held it with my mind calm & settled, feeling very blessed. ⠀

單就茶來講,五台山的金蓮花茶我是很喜歡的。 金蓮花又叫文殊智慧花,花葉五瓣,代表一種覺悟的狀態,所以它的表法義很神聖。 金蓮花茶可以用來裝藏,用它泡出來的水可以用來浴佛,所以每次去五台山買回來後我都捨不得喝。⠀

As for the kind of tea, I particularly like the golden lotus tea of​​ Mount Wutai. Golden lotus is also termed as the flower of wisdom of Manjushri, with five petals, which is representative of a state of awakening and thus, this dharma analogy is  sacred. The golden lotus tea can be used to fill statues for consecration, the water from steeping it can be used to bath the Buddha statue. As a result, I can never bear to drink it every time I bring this back from Mount Wutai.⠀


Like tea, the snow can be used as an offering to the Buddha as well.⠀

我喜歡冬天,因為冬天有雪。 像我六十年代出生,家裡不富裕,兄弟又多,一到冬天穿暖都成問題。 但身上雖然冷,跟雪親密接觸的熱情卻很高。 尤其是有月亮的夜晚,大雪鋪地,明輝流瀉,我就喜歡撲到雪的懷抱裡,感受寒冷,感受柔軟,感受刺骨的親切感。⠀

I like winter because of snow. Born in the sixties, my family was not at all wealthy and I have many siblings. There was always the issue of not being able to dress warmly during winter days. Even so, while the body was cold,  the passion of intimate interaction with snow remained hot. Especially on nights with moon, when snow spread across the land, radiating the moonlight, I loved to jump unto the embrace of the snow, feeling its coldness, feeling its softness, and feeling the familiar  bone-chilling feel.⠀

寺院雪景是尤其的美。 只要下了幾天雪,四周的山體被雪覆蓋,皚皚之中又有樹影斑駁。 蜿蜒在寺裡的小溪,溪石上是團團雪,雪下是淙淙流,靈動潔淨,渾然一體。 屋頂藍色的琉璃瓦上也覆了一道一道的白,古老的大雄寶殿的線條,在雪的映襯下呈現著別樣的壯美。⠀

The snowscape here at Huiri Monastery is especially beautiful. Surrounding mountain tops are capped with snow after a few days of snowing, with trees still being visible among the snowy landscape. Brook stones on the meandering creeks within the monastery are piled with balls of snow,  the streams beneath the snow flow with a merry gurgle, clear & bright,   ⠀
harmonizing into one. The blue glazed tiles upon the rooftop are lined with snow too. The outlines of the ancient Main Hall stand out in the snow, showcasing an entirely different magnificence. ⠀

所以,如果你喜歡山中的雪景,喜歡雪中的山寺,可以到雪天的慧日寺來體驗一下。 如果不能來,也不要沮喪,我把現在所描述的,都完完全全地供養給大家。⠀

Thus, if you fancy the mountain snowscape, the hillside monastery that stands in the snow, you can experience these for yourself here, at Huiri Monastery. If you are unable to be here, there is no need to be disappointed, for I have already  described the scenes in their entirety to everyone as a form of offering.⠀

冬天不僅有雪,還有梅。 百花凋零時,梅的不畏嚴寒的品性和會“走動”的香氣,總會讓人心生憐愛。⠀
Not only is there snow during the winter, there is also the plum. As all flowers withered, the unyielding nature of the plum does not cower in the extreme coldness, giving off the fragrant that seems to “walk everywhere”, evoking the tender affection  in one.⠀

梅花開滿樹後,在月夜欣賞是最美的。 那時候你攜月走過梅花樹,“疏影橫斜水清淺,暗香浮動月黃昏”,甜甜的一股香味,在寒冷的空氣裡直直地沁入你肺腑,那種乍然 的相遇會讓你在一瞬間心曠神怡! 深寒之夜,月光底下,梅的每一瓣都呈半透明狀,默默的,用那一抹幽香進行著全身心的訴說。 聞香的人,會感動也會感激。⠀
It is especially beautiful to admire plums which are in full blossom under the moonlit night. As you walk past the plum tree under the moonlight, “the sparse image of the slanted branches is upon the glittering shallow waters, and the fragrance fills the air of  the moonlit dusk”, the sweet fragrance that seeps right through the cold night air to the bottom of your heart, this sudden connection will leave you feeling refreshed instantly. In the deep of the cold night, under the moonlight, every petal of the plum  appears to be translucent, silently baring its heart through the fragrance it emits. One who gets a whiff of the fragrance will be touched and also appreciate. ⠀

一樹梅花,欣賞了多少年還是欣賞不夠,就更何況是佛法了。 梅花還有開有謝,佛法你只要享受在其中就沒有凋謝的一天,除非你自己的心跑開了。⠀
One can never have enough admiration for a plum tree despite of the number of years, let alone the dharma. While plums blossom & withered, there is never a day when the dharma wither should you take delight in it, unless your heart slips away. ⠀

所以喜歡梅花,真正是因為它可以成為我們的老師。 在娑婆世界,當他人都為苦所逼的時候,我們還能品嚐到法的甘甜,還能令生命飄出沁人的香味,這是多麼殊勝的一種狀態!⠀
Thus, the liking for plums is really because of its ability to be our teacher. In this Saha world, when others are being consumed by bitterness, we still get to taste the sweetness of the dharma, to the extent of releasing refreshing fragrance through our  lives. How remarkable this is!⠀


Once, while meditating at the Dragon’s alms bowl, with moonlight & the fragrance of the plums, I performed some recitals at will: ⠀

Twin reunion appears with reflection of the moon upon the dragon’s alms bowl⠀
The fragrance of the red plums fills the cold snowy air⠀
Crossing arms at the crossroads⠀
The Zen of Huiri manifests as one conforms.  ⠀

無論是雪還是梅花,是音樂還是茶道,是水晶還是佛塔,我喜歡,是因為它們裡面蘊含著的禪境禪意。 如果以清淨平等的心來看,春夏秋冬,鮮花荊棘,只要你的心不跟它對立,所有的一切都是美的。⠀
Regardless of snow or plums, music or tea-art, crystal or stupa, I like them because they signify Zen. If one were to look at this from the point of peace & equality, spring, summer, autumn & winter, fresh flowers &  thorns – the beauty remains as long as one does not place oneself in a conflicting situation. ⠀

這樣的美可以欣賞,不能執著。 從外到內,最後什麼都不執著時,你生命真正的美就呈現出來了。⠀

Such beauty can be admired, but not to be obsessed. When there is no longer any obsession with anything from the outside to the inside, the true beauty of your life manifests itself.⠀

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