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[視頻] 轉世小活佛 TEACHINGS PART 10 Unmistaken Child 2008

發表於 2012-1-27 11:58 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


【轉世小活佛】記錄了一位謙卑的佛弟子巔津梭巴(Tenzin Zopa)尋找其上師袞卻格西(Geshe Lama Konchog)轉世的過程。導演和攝影師兩人隨著巔津跋山涉水、跨越國界,涉險展開無期限的追蹤拍攝,足跡深入雲霧飄邈的香格里拉神秘境地,遍及西藏、尼泊爾、印度等遺 世獨立的純樸聚落,捕捉到千變萬化的喜馬拉雅壯麗群山,揭露美麗動人的藏密文化。



 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-27 12:13 | 顯示全部樓層
TEACHINGS PART 10 Unmistaken Child 2008

The Buddhist concept of reincarnation, while both mysterious and enchanting, is hard for most westerners to grasp. UNMISTAKEN CHILD follows the four-year search for the reincarnation of Lama Konchog, a world-renowned Tibetan master who passed away in 2001 at age 84. The Dalai Lama charges the deceased monk's devoted disciple, Tenzin Zopa (who had been in his service since the age of seven), to search for his master's reincarnation.

Tenzin sets off on this unforgettable quest on foot, mule and even helicopter, through breathtaking landscapes and remote traditional Tibetan villages. Along the way, Tenzin listens to stories about young children with special characteristics, and performs rarely seen ritualistic tests designed to determine the likelihood of reincarnation. He eventually presents the child he believes to be his reincarnated master to the Dalai Lama so that he can make the final decision.

Stunningly shot, UNMISTAKEN CHILD is a beguiling, surprising, touching, even humorous experience. Tenzin Zopa Tenzin Zopa was designated from a young age to be special and his childhood was similar to that of reincarnated masters. He was not allowed to play with monks his own age and was always in classes or with Geshe Lama Konchog (GLK) and the rest of the monastery heads.

The connection between GLK and Tenzin was formed even before Tenzin was born. When Tenzin's mother was in labor, GLK came down from his cave to attend to the delivery. GLK actually turned Tenzin inside his mother's womb to prevent him from being born in a potentially hazardous breach position. Ever since, the locals say, Tenzin wanted to be with GLK. At the age of 7, after long struggles with his father, Tenzin joined GLK and stayed with him until his death.

Tenzin escorted GLK in all of his worldwide teachings and activities and learned English by serving as GLK's translator. Tenzin completed most of his studies on the road, with GLK as his teacher. He went to the university in southern India only for exams, and was always ranked among the top five students out of more than 5000 monks.

Tenzin is one of the youngest Geshes (equivalent to PhD in Buddhist philosophy) in Tibetan Buddhism. He skipped four school years when he was young, and two years ago the Dalai Lama asked the monastery to schedule his final exams four years ahead of time. Today Tenzin is the spiritual director of the Founda tion for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) Center in Malaysia and has thousands of students around the world who consider him the successor of Geshe Lama Konchog

TEACHINGS PART 10 Unmistaken Child 2008
http://www.dailymotion.com/video ... arnation_shortfilms

 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-27 14:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche
fpmtinc 於 2009-11-30 上傳

Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche (reincarnation of Geshe Lama Konchog) and Lama Zopa Rinpoche meeting in Kopan Dec 2008
For more information: http://www.fpmt.org/teachers/zopa/

Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche and Lama Zopa Rinpoche


Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche in Kopan

Lama Zopa Rinpoche meeting Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche in Kopan Monastery and Rinpoche is requesting Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche to teach in the future.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche in Kopan


 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-4 12:08 | 顯示全部樓層

Monlam prayers 2011

Dearest students and friends of Phuntsok Rinpoche,

Rinpoche will be making offerings of food, tea, lights and money offering to the thousand over Sanghas during Monlam (Great Prayer Festival) in Kopan Monastery in Nepal on the 15th of the first month of Tibetan calendar which is the 19th March 2011.

Rinpoche will dedicate this charitable offering for the good health, long life and fulfillment of all the wishes of all the Buddhas, Boddhisatvas, gurus and virtue beings, he will also dedicate to all the students and friends and all sentient beings for their good health long life and prosperity and realization on the paths and grounds of enlightenment. Rinpoche specially would like to share this extensive merits to all the victims of Japan earthquake and tsunami, as well as those victims suffering because of world conflicts and natural disaster.

Rinpoche request all students and friends to dedicate their prayers, merits and have loving compassion to all suffering beings.

With lots of prayer

Phuntsok Labrang
Geshe Zopa


Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche

 樓主| 發表於 2012-6-9 09:31 | 顯示全部樓層




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