小菩提 發表於 2015-2-7 13:53


Time is like a train of no return. As each train compartment passes by, wemay never get a chance to see it again. The nature of our life is transitory. Eachyear, each day, moment by moment, life rapidly flows by. Once it is gone, we willnever have it again. Therefore, cherish your life! Try your very best to do somethingmeaningful everyday.

----Khenchen Tsultrim Lodro

小菩提 發表於 2015-2-8 12:31

Lord Atisha once said: When 100 thoughts arise in a day, be perseveranceto search and observe the 100 thoughts. In each observation of thought, you willsee, experience and realize the emptiness of the mind. You will gain the realizationof what we call as Dharmakaya, the primordial wisdom of the absolute space of reality,the Tathagatagarbha or the Buddha Nature and, this is the enlightenment.
----Khenchen Tsultrim Lodro
Khenchen Tsultrim Lodrohttps://www.facebook.com/khenchen.tsultrim.lodro?fref=photo

小菩提 發表於 2015-2-12 16:58

抑鬱症來自於焦慮,焦慮來自於壓力,壓力來自於執著,執著來自於無明(愚昧)。既然一切的源頭是無明,那麼,該如何斷除無明呢?這就需要培養與它對立的智慧,這個智慧,來自於佛陀的教育。 ~ 堪欽慈誠羅珠 Depression comes from anxiety. Anxiety hails from stress.Stress arises from fixation. Fixation derives from ignorance. Since ignorance isthe source of everything, then how can we get rid of ignorance? This requires usto cultivate the wisdom opposing to ignorance. This kind of wisdom is originatedfrom the Buddha's education. ~ Khenchen Tsultrim Lodrohttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10983398_1534262740170300_6377812827072692402_n.jpg?oh=5ddecf53736bbef8cd9e58ed6faad07b&oe=55911DCE&__gda__=1435447966_dd9cade57e4101e7a50e2d8c1f9800f1 Khenchen Tsultrim Lodrohttps://www.facebook.com/khenchen.tsultrim.lodro?fref=photo
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