小菩提 發表於 2012-3-14 11:39

《心經的人生智慧》 中英文版 原著:濟群法師

本帖最後由 小菩提 於 2014-2-26 21:31 編輯

《心經的人生智慧》 英文版原著:濟群法師    翻譯:陳林英居士
《心經的人生智慧》 英文版
The Wisdom of Life Within the Heart SutraBy Master Ji Qun(Translation from Chinese to English by Maria Lin Chen)
About this translation
Master Ji Qun is a renowned contemporary Master in China who teaches Monks in the Buddhist Academy, Xiyuan Temple, in Suzhou. He graduated from the Chinese Buddhist Academy in 1984. He is the author of many books.

Master Jin Qun gave this commentary as a talk in the summer of 1995 in Australia. By 31 December 1995 he completed the task of writing up this commentary at Nanputuo Temple, in Fujian Province in China. It was then published as a text in Chinese in October 1999.

This was the first Dhamma book that I had ever read. But I couldn’t understand it at first. I was asked by a friend to go to the Heart Sutra 3-day teaching in 1999 at a temple in Melbourne. I asked who was going to teach and found out it was Master Ji Qun. How lucky I was! I took my whole family to the Master’s teaching about this sutra. There were eighty people there for the three days of teaching. It was an experience I will never forget.

I asked the Master for permission to translate this book. He was very pleased to give me the task. Through all these years, he has patiently answered my questions to help me understand the complex contents of the book. His help has been essential for the completion of the translation, as without his explanation and confirmation, I would have not have had the confidence to proceed with this task. My sincere and deep thanks to Master Ji Qun for his kind help.

This translation was not a small undertaking. I started in 2001 before my daughter was born. This translation was a joint effort. My sincere thanks goes to Master Yuan Chi for using his precious time in August 2003. He proof read the first few chapters for me and offered his valuable advice regarding the translation. I first met Pennie White at the beginning of the

Millennium in the year 2000. In February 2004, I asked Pennie White to edit this translation when we were both volunteering at The Australian Buddhist General Conference held 20 to 22 February 2004 at Victoria University, St Albans Campus, convened by The Buddhist Federation of Australia, Victoria University and Buddhist Council of Victoria. We have worked over the years to edit the text section by section, over and over again. It took 7 years to get to the point of being half way through the editing. By 8 January 2009, we had fully edited the copy twice. Without the help of Ms Pennie White, I would never have made it.

When I read this book in 1997, it laid a good foundation for my future Buddhist learning and cultivation. I hope those who are starting to learn Buddha Dharma will benefit as much from this book as I did. Now that it is available in English I hope that translation will benefit many more people who wish to learn the teachings of the Prajňāpāramitā.

Any advice for the improvement of this translation will be regarded as helpful with my sincere gratitude.


小菩提 發表於 2014-2-6 20:54

《般若波羅蜜多心經》講記 (慈誠羅珠堪布)

索達吉堪布: 除夕可念心經9遍

《心經的人生智慧》 英文版 原著:濟群法師


般若波羅蜜多心經(中文 日文 唱頌)HD 畫質

小菩提 發表於 2014-2-26 21:32

本帖最後由 小菩提 於 2014-2-26 21:36 編輯







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查看完整版本: 《心經的人生智慧》 中英文版 原著:濟群法師